Software Engineer C
Quadigi, UAB
Software Engineer C
Quadigi, UAB
Software Engineer C
Quadigi, UAB

Software Engineer C

Quadigi, UAB


In this project, you would join an international team working on bedside monitoring systems. These devices monitor, collect, and display vital patient information, as well as enable data accessibility via the clinical hospital system. 


It would involve developing features, fixing bugs, participating in the development of a new version of the device, etc. For this position, we are looking for a person who has prior experience working with the C language on large-scale projects, as well as: 
  • RTOS experience 
  • Basic Networking knowledge 
  • C++ knowledge 
  • Similarity with GIT, JIRA, Confluence 
  • English - written and spoken. 

Our Offer

  • Support You will have a QuaDigi buddy by your side  
  • Flexibility Flexible working hours, vacation schedule, remote or onsite work  
  • Online and offline training/workshops and other knowledge-sharing possibilities 
  • Additional health and personal accident insurance  
  • Snacks and fun activities in the office         
  • Additional time off  
  • Sport budget  
  • Loyalty benefits and perks 
  • Agile, friendly, and international environment  .
Mėnesinis bruto atlyginimasBruto/mėn.  € 4000 - 6200


    Vilnius, Vilniaus apskritis, Lietuva
  • Nuotolinio darbo galimybė


  • Visa darbo diena
  • Lankstus grafikas
Kontaktinis asmuo
Jurgita Novosiolova
It all started with a team of skillful business and software people. That match up of experience and determination allowed to build a trusting relationship with key market players in Germany and become a go to service provider for Medical Product Development.

Today QUADIGI is a partner-owned company which provides essential software engineering solutions within Medical and Safety domains. Our goal is to act on new initiatives and become a leading software development and testing hub in the area.

Įmonės tinklalapishttps://quadigi.com/

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