Embedded Software Engineer
RSI Europe, UAB
Embedded Software Engineer
RSI Europe, UAB
Embedded Software Engineer
RSI Europe, UAB

Embedded Software Engineer

RSI Europe, UAB

Mėnesinis bruto atlyginimasBruto/mėn.  € 4200 - 6000

Papildoma informacija: Salary depends on Candidate's skills and competencies.


    Vilnius, Vilniaus apskritis, Lietuva
    Saulėtekio al.
  • Nuotolinio darbo galimybė


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Kontaktinis asmuo
Lina Valentukevičė
RSI Europe specializes in the development and manufacturing of innovative remotely controlled systems for the defense sector. The company works in close cooperation with combat engineers, explosives experts and UAV operators in active combat zones to deliver the remote strike capabilities for the warfighters. Our flagship products are a remote explosives initiation system RISE-1 and a first-person view (FPV) quadcopter drone SHPAK.

Next generation remote initiation system RISE-1 provides novel remote-control capabilities to the military engineers, EOD teams, territorial defense forces, FPV kamikaze units and other military units that use explosives in their missions. The system can be operated at distance of 25 kilometers in line-of-sight situations. The system has a built-in repeater which enables operations in beyond line-of-sight situations, helps to improve tactical position at difficult terrain and allows to extend the operational distance up to 50 kilometers. The smart control interfaces make the system easy to operate and provides the user with a possibility to control large groups of explosives initiators (up to 50) from the single control point. The system is extremely light weight and has a possibility for impact based (sensor triggered) initiation. This makes the system perfect for UAV based operations such as remote mining, demining and FPV kamikaze operations.

Our 10-inch propeller FPV quadcopter drone SHPAK is designed for dynamic missions and advanced maneuvers.

Įmonės tinklalapishttp://www.rsieu.com

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