Senior Network Administrator
Senior Network Administrator
Senior Network Administrator

Senior Network Administrator


We invite you to join the Senior Network Administrator to the Hostline team. Professionals in their field help you take steps in your IT career and achieve more while growing together!

We are currently working in a business center, using the latest technologies and modern work tools. We are a small, sincerely communicating team. Together with the collective tradition. We offer you a professional adaptation program, long-term career prospects in a growing, reliable company, fair remuneration and an inspiring financial motivation system, as well as an additional amount, which will be discussed in more detail during the meeting.

Job description

Install, configure, and maintain a variety of networking equipment including mainly VyOS routers, Arista switches, and linux hosts.
Proactively monitor network health and troubleshoot performance issues.
Respond to outages and problem reports.
Document procedures and share knowledge with the team.
Mentor junior engineers in the field of networking and linux.
Work with vendors and customers as required to maintain network.
Stay up to date on the latest networking tools, software releases, and security best practices
Provide recommendations for upgrades, improvements, and capacity planning.
Perform after-hours maintenance to ensure availability of the network during heavy-use times.
Work with both Lithuanian and English-speaking coworkers.

Main skills

Experience with IP routing, on VyOS/Vyatta and/or Linux with FRR, and switching on Cisco or Arista switches.
Experience with tools used for networking troubleshooting including tcpdump/wireshark, SPAN ports, dig, nmap.
Experience with linux system administration to support network administration. This includes installing and maintaining tools such as Nagios/Zabbix, libreNMS/Observium, Cacti/MRTG, Grafana, oxidized/rancid, Smokeping, netbox/phpIPAM.
Experience scripting to support networking (network audits, automation, log processing).
Experience with protocols such as iBGP, eBGP, OSPF, SSH, SNMP, DNS, IPSec, OpenVPN, Wireguard to support network infrastructure.
Familiarity with datacenters and physical layer, including ordering cross-connects, fiber and copper connection troubleshooting, and working with remote hands.

5+ years experience in networking field.
Must be able to pass a background check.

Optional desired skills

Advanced Linux system administration including software compilation and packaging, strace, LVM, ZFS, iptables, ELK stack.
Experience with Arista, Cisco, Juniper, Mikrotik, and pfSense equipment.
Experience with VRFs, MPLS/LDP and providing L2VPN and L3VPN services.
Experience with containerization and virtualization (Docker, jails, Proxmox VE, vSphere, kvm)
Experience with Windows server and desktop, including Remote Desktop configuration, group policy, basic hardening, automation with PowerShell.
Experience with other open-source operating systems such as FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and OPNSense.

5000-7000 EUR (brutto)
More about company and its products:
Брутто-зарплата в месяцБрутто/мес.  € 5000 - 7000

Место работы

    Vilnius, Vilniaus apskritis, Литва
    Dariaus ir Girėno g. 42A

Тип работы

  • Полный рабочий день


  •  Английский
  •  Литовский
Контактное лицо
Angelė .
HOSTLINE, UAB tai duomenų centrų paslaugas teikianti įmonė. Nuomojame dedikuotus fizinius ir virtualius serverius, teikiame elektroninio pašto bei svetainių talpinimo paslaugas, talpiname klientų įrangą nuosavame ir partnerių duomenų centruose.
Daugiau informacijos apie įmonės paslaugas:

Вебсайт компанииhttp://www.hostline.lt

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