QDev Technologies, UAB
Technical Support Specialist (Spanish)
QDev Technologies, UAB
QDev Technologies, UAB

Technical Support Specialist (Spanish)

QDev Technologies, UAB


Join to become a part of the company, which is the worlds largest provider of dialysis products and services. Become first point of contact for our customers for technical and application-specific questions regarding our product.


For this position, we would like to hire an IT support specialist who would remotely support and consult customers during training, installation and operation of the software. This role would also include close collaboration with developers with regards to software testing, error analysis as well as other tasks related to recording and transforming customer needs to life.

We are looking for a person with the following experience: 
  • Understand and use modern communication software and systems 
  • Strong IT user skills (MS Office, SAP, Intranet, remote maintenance tools, etc.) 
  • Strong IT skills (MS OS, MS SharePoint, MS Server OS, MS SQL Server, cyber security, etc.)
  • Understanding of the basics of e-health, data security and related topics 
  • Up-to-date knowledge of IT and digitalization 
  • Very good communication in Spanish + English skills written and spoken.

Our Offer

  • Support You will have a Qdev buddy by your side 
  • Flexibility Flexible working hours, vacation schedule      
  • Online and offline training/workshops and other knowledge-sharing possibilities     
  • Additional health and personal accident insurance 
  • Snacks and fun activities in the office        
  • Additional time off 
  • Personal and sport budget 
  • Loyalty benefits and perks 
  • Agile, friendly and international environment  
  • Gross salary in a range of 2200 - 2700 EUR (negotiable, based on competencies) 
Брутто-зарплата в месяцБрутто/мес.  € 2200 - 2700

Место работы

    Vilnius, Vilniaus apskritis, Литва
    Ukmergės g. 322-1, LT-12106 Vilnius
  • Возможность удалённой работы

Тип работы

  • Полный рабочий день


 Techniniai įgūdžiai


  •  Английский
  •  Испанский
Контактное лицо
Giedrė Šlaičiūnaitė
In Qdev Technologies we are pursuing excellence of hardware/software interaction in a medical field and strongly believe, that the quality begins with a culture. Culture of trust and openness, of valuing little things done, acting with transparency and taking ownership of own decisions. We contribute to work environment where we all own our team achievements.

Вебсайт компанииhttps://qdevtechnologies.com/

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